As this Labor Day comes to a close, I am embarking on a new season. For all intents and purposes, summer has come to a close, and Pumpkin Spice season is in full effect. (Yes!) I am conflicted because I want to hold on to summer and all that is represents – warm weather, long days, and sunshine. Unfortunately (or fortunately) the days are getting shorter and the temperature is changing.
Seasons do change and we have to prepare for that change. I would look foolish ushering in the fall season with my flip flops and sundresses – even if they are fly! I have to shed the comforts of the season in order to prepare for something new.
This shift also applies to my legal affairs. My priorities and goals change throughout the year so it is important for me to revisit my plans to ensure they align with the “new” me. New season, new goals, new plans.
Are you on target for your 2019 goals? Does your will need to be updated? Do you have a will? Are your property titles current? Are your beneficiary designations updated? It’s officially a new season. Make sure your plans address the new season of your life.